3 Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Pet's Future
Over the years I have spoken to many groups, as well as individuals, about what would happen to their pet if they could no longer care for it or would unexpectedly pass away? Of course this is a subject that not very many folks want to talk about. HART has taken in many pets under these circumstances. About a month ago these two beautiful senior dogs were brought to HART by Animal Control when their owner passed away suddenly from a fall. We took care of these two great guys and could tell they had been well cared for their whole life. The kennel staff brushed them and pampered the old guys for about four days. Then one afternoon this very gentle man came into the shelter inquiring about Claude and Sport? With a lump in his throat he told us he had just arrived from Florida to say good-bye to his dear friend and to take the “Boys” home with him. This man was the administrator of the estate and arrangements had been set in place for him to take the dogs to live out the remainder of their lives with him. After shedding a few tears and sad goodbyes, the dogs left on the plane Monday morning headed for the “Sunshine State”. Please take a moment to think about your pets and make final arrangements for them.